The state should prepare a person for release guided by an individual risk assessment of his behavior: Arman Tatoyan

The state should prepare a person for release guided by an individual risk assessment of his behavior: Arman Tatoyan

Today, on December 12, the Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan attended the closing conference of “Supporting the criminal justice reform and combating ill-treatment and impunity in Armenia” Project. The Project was funded by the EU and implemented by the CoE office in Yerevan.


The Defender highlighted the effectiveness of this project in Armenia implemented within the Partnership for Good Governance of the European Union and the Council of Europe.


"After the adoption of the new law on the Human Rights Defender, our activities were fundamentally changed. As a result, new specialists were recruited such as physician, psychologist, psychiatrist and others who needed appropriate training to carry out monitoring more effective. This project provided this opportunity, contributing to the capacity building of our specialists," said Arman Tatoyan in his opening speech.


Within the framework of the implemented project, the Defender particularly emphasized the necessity of the steps towards the adoption of the Draft Criminal Procedure Code and Draft Criminal Code of RA.


The state should focus on the criminal justice sector where there is a major risk of human rights violations. In addition, the individual approach should be ensured for anyone deprived of liberty. The state should prepare a person for release exercising its positive obligation. From this point of view, the high level of cooperation established with the Ministry of Justice is extremely important.