With the support of the Defender a military serviceman will undergo an additional medical examination: An unannounced visit to the Central Clinical Military Hospital

With the support of the Defender a military serviceman will undergo an additional medical examination: An unannounced visit to the Central Clinical Military Hospital

The mother of a compulsory military serviceman requested the Human Rights Defender's support in additional medical examination of her son.


In the complaint addressed to the Defender she informed that her son had health problems, and was undergoing medical treatment at the Central Clinical Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense.


According to the complainant, it is necessary to undertake a medical examination to determine her son’s health issues.


Within the investigation of the complaint, the representatives of the Human Rights Defender paid an unannounced visit to the Central Clinical Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense.


During the visit, the Defender's representatives met with the administration of the hospital and the medical personnel, examined the medical records and had a private interview with the serviceman.


As a result of a discussion with the administration of the hospital, it was decided to undertake an additional medical examination of the serviceman.


The representatives of the Defender also had private interviews with other military servicemen receiving medical treatment at the hospital who had addressed complaints to the Defender, and examined their medical records.


During the meeting with the administration of the hospital, prioritizing the medical examinations of military servicemen in civilian hospitals in an urgent manner was discussed.


A relevant written letter with regard to the issue will be sent to the RA Ministry of Healthcare.


The Human Rights Defender attaches importance to the cooperation with the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Healthcare in such issues.