The massage of the Human Rights Defender on Human Rights day

The massage of the Human Rights Defender on Human Rights day

Dear compatriots,


Today, on December 10, the civilized world celebrates the international human rights day.


The human being is an ultimate value and his inalienable dignity is the inseparable basis of his rights and freedoms.


The current challenges for human rights protection require joint efforts of all of us and oblige the state to crate mechanisms guaranteeing the rights of every person.


Among them, the role of national human rights institutions is growing more and more in the modern world.


The Human Rights Defender is endowed with this mission in Armenia, and the constitutional and absolute right of a person to receive the Defender’s support is the guarantee for the development of this mechanism.


This year the International Human Rights Day is symbolical by the occasion of fundamental significance, conditioned by the parliamentary elections held yesterday in the country.

It is obvious that 2018 was marked by high democratic achievements.


The citizen of Armenia has been given an opportunity to reach fundamental changes in the country due to the realization of his will.


The important stage of strengthening those changes has been completed by realization of citizen’s will through participation in parliamentary elections.


The results of these democratic developments based on high trust of citizens should be used to put the system of public authority on a solid institutional basis.


High trust of a citizen and ensuring the full realization of his rights and freedoms by the state is the fundamental guarantee of the state's durability.


The task of the public authority is to ensure the continuous strengthening of a citizen confidence through the rule of law and ensuring of high democratic values.


This is the way that will provide opportunity to direct all efforts to the creation of a qualitatively new stage of the rule of law and democratic development.


It is necessary to exclude any retreat from democratic developments and the recorded achievements.


I am convinced that this approach has no alternative.


I cordially congratulate all of us on the occasion of international human rights day.


 I wish peace and solidarity to our country.