Statement on the results of the visit to Shurnukh village

Statement on the results of the visit to Shurnukh village

The working group, who was sent today by the Human Rights Defender to the Shurnukh village in the Syunik region, had private talks with the villagers, got acquainted with their concerns over their rights, and met the Head of the village.  The group also had a private conversation with the parents of the injured young man, who live in the village.


During the visit a working meeting took place with the executive staff of the Goris Division of the Police of the Syunik Provincial Department. Through a joint effective work, the Defender’s representatives discussed the circumstances of the incident with Police officers, received clarifications on the police’s actions, as well as on the forensic medical examinations. The representatives presented the issues addressed to the Defender during their visit to the Police.


The visit was important to develop a comprehensive understanding and obtain a complete assessment of the incident that has become a matter of public importance.


After getting acquainted with the materials of the case and discussing and summarizing all the concerns of the parties, the Defender will make recommendations, within his mandate, prescribed by law. Those recommendations, among the others, will be directed to the prevention of such incidents in future.


The working group that was sent to Shurnukh village also got acquainted with the social and other issues that the villagers are concerned about.  The Defender will take necessary measures to solve those issues within his mandate.