Visits of the Human Rights Defender’s representatives to Arthur Sargsyan will be on a daily basis

Visits of the Human Rights Defender’s representatives to Arthur Sargsyan will be on a daily basis

On 1 March the Human Rights Defender’s representatives paid a visit to Artur Sargsyan, who is on hunger strike and is being held in Prisoner Hospital Penitentiary Institution. A private conversation with A. Sargsyan took place, as well as his health condition, respective medical documents and the conditions of detention facilities were examined.


It was recorded that A. Sargsyan refuses medical treatment. Visits to Artur Sargsyan will be on a daily basis, to assure the effective control of A. Sargsyan’s health condition by state bodies. The visits will be paid by lawyer and doctor of the Department for Prevention of Torture and Ill-Treatment at RA Human Rights Defender’s Office.


The Human Rights Defender has already sent written requests to competent bodies regarding the statements of A. Sargsyan and his lawyer on detention and health condition issues.