The Human Rights Defender’s Office of Armenia received the representatives of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Artsakh for an experience exchange

The Human Rights Defender’s Office of Armenia received the representatives of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Artsakh for an experience exchange

In the framework of cooperation between the Human Rights Defenders of Armenia and Artsakh, since September the representatives of the Defender of Artsakh have been undergoing a two-week internship for the purpose of experience exchange at the RA Human Rights Defender's Office.


In particular, the Human Rights Defender's representatives of Artsakh get acquainted with the principles of the RA Human Rights Defender’s work, the peculiarities of private interviews with the citizens and the examination process of the complaints. Our Artsakh colleagues participate in the preventive activities based on complaints, particularly, in writing reports and communications, applications and amicus briefs submitted to the Constitutional Court, in preparing legislative drafts, as well as their justifications and so on.


Attaching importance to the cooperation with the Human Rights Defender of Artsakh, such practice of experience exchange will be continuous.