The Human Rights Defender received Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE

The Human Rights Defender received Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE

Today the Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan received Kent Härstedt, the vice-president of the Parliamentary Assembly of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).


During the meeting the parties discussed a number of issues related to human rights protection.  


Arman Tatoyan presented the new regulations of RA Constitutional Law on Human Rights Defender, as well as the activities directed to their implementation.


On his turn, speaking about his candidacy for the position of President of OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Kent Härstedt, emphasized that protection of human rights is one of the important priorities of his activities, hence he will continue to work actively in that direction. He highly appreciated the Defender’s role and his activities in the sphere of human rights protection.  


At the end of the meeting the parties expressed their readiness to make such meetings continuous.