The Department of international cooperation of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia:
- ensures the proper and effective implementation of the powers of the Human Rights Defender in the sphere of international cooperation,
- establishes, strengthens and expands cooperation with international organizations, officials of other countries, including ombudsmen and partner embassies and diplomatic representatives,
- provides for bilateral or multilateral relations with international organizations and officials of foreign countries, accredited diplomatic representatives of RA and representatives of international organizations,
- coordinates the programs carried out in collaboration with international organizations and NGOs,
- develops the international cooperation strategy and an annual/semi-annual action plan and supervises its proper implementation,
- organizes meetings, conducts negotiations,
- prepares project proposals aimed at the protection and promotion of human rights and presents them to international organizations,
- prepares the meetings and discussions with NGOs and international organizations, representatives of state bodies, international experts and other persons,
- participates in the development of public reports through analysis of the results of the visits and studies and identification of systemic problems,
- within its competence cooperates with state and local self-government bodies and international organizations.