The Defender established a Working Group for the purposes of independent monitoring the Parliamentary election of the National Assembly

The Defender established a Working Group for the purposes of independent monitoring the Parliamentary election of the National Assembly

The Human Rights Defender established a Working Group for the purposes of independent monitoring of pre-election and election period of Parliamentary election to be held on 9 December within the Defender’s mandate prescribed by the Law.


The Group consists of specialists from the central and regional offices of the Human Rights Defender. 


During the whole period of election campaign and the Election Day, the Working Group will monitor the alleged violations of electoral rights reported through media on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the Group will ensure proper examination of oral and written complaints addressed to the Defender, including calls received via hotline. The Group will also be responsible for providing legal aid, receiving citizens, as well as for rapid reaction visits.


It is a primary task of the Working Group to cooperate closely with all competent State bodies, including the Central Electoral Commission, as well as with local and international organizations carrying out electoral observation missions. The Working Group is also assigned to actively cooperate with civil society organizations and mass media involved in electoral process.


Special attention shall be paid to the issues that are related to the protection of the rights of journalist and observers.