With the Defender’s support the convict has undergone a surgery

With the Defender’s support the convict has undergone a surgery

The convict requested the support of the Human Rights Defender for receiving adequate medical treatment and organizing the necessary surgery.


The sister of the convict also applied to the Defender on the same matter and stated that the health condition of her brother had worsened, he regularly felt severe pain and it was necessary to undergo a surgery.


With regard to the raised issue, a discussion procedure has been initiated at the Defender’s Office. Official letters were addressed to the RA Ministry of Justice and Penitentiary Service. Along with that, the representatives of the Defender’s Office visited penitentiary institution, met the applicant and held a private interview.


In the framework of the joint work with the Ministry of Justice and the Penitentiary Service, certain medical examination and consultation were held, as a result of which the convicted person underwent a surgery in the medical center within the State guaranteed free of charge medical assistance. For the postoperative period, the applicant was transferred to “Prison Hospital” Penitentiary institution.


As a result, the raised issue was solved.