The Defender’s Office organized a two-day seminar on monitoring of court cells and detention facilities

The Defender’s Office organized a two-day seminar on monitoring of court cells and detention facilities

On November 24-25, the Human Rights Defender's Office organized a training on " Monitoring of vehicles for transferring persons deprived of liberty, court cells and police detention facilities by the National Preventive Mechanism” in Tsaghkadzor. 


The representatives of the Human Rights Defender’s Office, Police, Chamber of Advocates, NGO’s and monitoring groups participated in the training organized within the Council of Europe’s project “Supporting the criminal justice reform and combating ill-treatment and impunity in Armenia”.


During the event, a number of issues recorded during monitoring conducted by the Human Rights Defender’s Office concerning vehicles for transferring persons deprived of liberty, court cells, police detention facilities were discussed with the CoE international experts George Tugushi and Walter Suntinger within the event.


They particular relate to detention conditions, such as overcrowding, illumination, ventilation, food, safety, sanitary and hygienic conditions, as well as organization of medical care, adapted vehicles etc. The role of the Defender in the monitoring of these issues as a National Preventive Mechanism has been highlighted.


Participants of the training raised practical issues. As a result of experience exchange with the international experts, the issues of non-compliance of domestic legislation and law enforcement practice with international standards were underlined, possible ways on addressing raised issues were also discussed.