Arman Tatoyan met with the President of the European Court

Arman Tatoyan met with the President of the European Court

Today, the RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan had a meeting with the President of the European Court of Human Rights Mr. Guido Raimondi in Strasbourg. Mr. Armen Harutyunyan, the judge of the Court in respect of Armenia and Mr. Roderick Liddell, the Registrar of the Court also attended the meeting.


Within the meeting the issues related to the cooperation between the RA Human Rights Defender’s Institution and the European Court were discussed.


In particular, the parties discussed the legal mechanism of the involvement of the RA Human Rights Defender as a third party in the investigation of the Court’s cases. The President of the European Court stressed the importance of the Defender’s initiative, noting that it will constitute an international best practice and will contribute to increasing effectiveness of the activities of the European Court.


The President of the European Court has also emphasized the new initiative by the Defender in connection with the execution of court judgments. The parties discussed the details of the implementation of this mechanism.


The President also stressed the importance of the Human Rights Defender’s role as an ad hoc judge to the Court. The new format of the Ombudsman’s decisions on the violations of rights that are based on the principles applied by the European Court has been also discussed.


At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to continue the cooperation in regard to the enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and protection of human rights in general.