Following a study visit, proposals will be presented to the administration of medical institution

Following a study visit, proposals will be presented to the administration of medical institution

Today Armenian, Georgian and Moroccan specialists met at the Human Rights Defender’s Office and summarized the results of study monitoring at the Nubarashen Psychiatric Medical Center. On 25 July, during the visit to the Medical Center, the specialists, accompanied by Vladimir Artakov (Macedonia), examined different departments, talked to the staff and persons with psychological issues, examined their detention, food and walk conditions.


The Torture and Ill-Treatment Department of RA Human Rights Defender’s Office, the representatives of National Prevention Mechanism of Georgia and the representatives of National Human Rights Council of Morocco presented their considerations about the visit to the administration of Nubarashen Psychiatric Medical Center.


Earlier, on 22-23 July, an experience exchange seminar on monitoring standards at psychiatric institutions was held in Aghveran upon the initiative of the Civil Society Institute and Tbilisi representation of Penal Reform International in collaboration with RA Human Rights Defender’s Office.