RA Human Rights Defender's experience has been recognized an institution to be implemented in other countries

RA Human Rights Defender's experience  has been recognized an institution to be implemented in other countries

Within a Council of Europe implemented project the experience of the Human Rights Defender as a National Preventive Mechanism has been recommended to other countries for implementation.


In the near future the representatives of Morocco and Tunisia will visit Armenia to study Armenian experience in the field of prevention of torture and establish preventive mechanism in their countries or develop the existing one. Currently, activities are being undertaken in preparation for the visit. Representatives from RA Human Rights Defender will have a follow-up visit to Tunisia and Morocco after their mission to Armenia.


The principles enshrined in the new Constitutional Law on Human Rights Defender, newly adapted work approaches, as well as new methods being implemented in the field of prevention of torture and ill-treatment served as basis for the abovementioned.


The legislative novelties and work in line with new principles with civil society organizations have been also highlighted.