Women’s issues often remain unreported and stereotypes cause violence against them: the Defender’s keynote speech in Geneva

Women’s issues often remain unreported and stereotypes cause violence against them: the Defender’s keynote speech in Geneva

The Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan gave a keynote speech at the UN Geneva Office during the world human rights annual conference devoted to the protection of women rights, and to the activities of the national human rights institutions in that field.


The Defender noted that the protection of women rights is under his constant attention and that the issues thereof are recorded both in his annual and ad hoc reports.


“Moreover, women from vulnerable groups, such as women with disabilities and women living in rural areas face multiple discrimination and have obstacles in realization of their rights because of lack of accessibility of different services.”, said the Human Rights Defender.


According to the Defender, women face difficulties in job acquisition and promotional opportunities, as well as in maintaining the job during pregnancy. Child care also presents itself an obstacle for working mothers due to the inflexibility of working conditions.


During the speech, the Defender discussed gender stereotypes that are attached to women, which contributes to their nonparticipation in the decision making process. He also enforced that those stereotypes are a driving factor in the violence against women.


The Defender presented the experience of the Armenian national human rights institution in the field of women rights protection, and stressed the role that the media plays in promoting the proper insurance of women rights.