Media Center


Armenia failed to fulfil most of the obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its protocols or fulfilled them partially: The Defender’s ad hoc report has been released (video)

Armenia failed to fulfil most of the obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its protocols or fulfilled them partially: The Defender’s ad hoc report has been released (video)

The majority of complaints concerning rights of military servicemen are related to medical expertise: Human Rights Defender

The majority of complaints concerning rights of military servicemen are related to medical expertise: Human Rights Defender

We should work cooperatively to prevent violence against women: The Defender

We should work cooperatively to prevent violence against women: The Defender

Lack of children’s access to education must be excluded: Annual Report of the Defender

Lack of children’s access to education must be excluded: Annual Report of the Defender

A citizen not registered for military service received military identification and a passport through the Defender’s support

A citizen not registered for military service received military identification and a passport through the Defender’s support

Failure by the police to bring Zhirayr Sefilyan and others before the court constitutes an illegitimate interference with their rights

Failure by the police to bring Zhirayr Sefilyan and others before the court constitutes an illegitimate interference with their rights

The experience of the Human Rights Defender is an  international best practice: President of the ECtHR

The experience of the Human Rights Defender is an international best practice: President of the ECtHR

Council of Europe’s Director General of the Human Rights and Rule of Law considered effective the Defender’s work

Council of Europe’s Director General of the Human Rights and Rule of Law considered effective the Defender’s work

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe underlined the importance of the Human Rights Defender’s work

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe underlined the importance of the Human Rights Defender’s work

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe highly valued the activities of the Human Rights Defender during demonstrations

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe highly valued the activities of the Human Rights Defender during demonstrations

The PACE Co-Rapporteurs highly valued the activities of the Defender during demonstrations

The PACE Co-Rapporteurs highly valued the activities of the Defender during demonstrations

The Defender urged pupils to follow the rules on the safe use of the Internet

The Defender urged pupils to follow the rules on the safe use of the Internet